Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same...

Our friends Donna and Bill and their 2 1/2-year-old son Sam came to visit from Milwaukee! Donna, Vanessa, Renate and I were pregnant together and the boys have had little playdates since they were a few months old. The boys (and their mommies) have gotten older, but Kai is still Mr. Congeniality, Sam is a bundle of non-stop energy, Tristan is still as easy-going as ever and Ben still prefers to be the independent observer.

From Left to Right - Kai, Ben, Sam, Tristan and Tristan's friend Ryan at a playdate September 2007Moms and babies January 2010. Ben is still not a big fan of group photos. Look at Kai looking at him like WHAT is wrong with him???:) Ben hanging out with Kai, September 2007 Me, Donna, Vanessa and Renate (you'd never know it but Renate has baby #2 due in May!)


Anonymous said...

That is sooo fun that you have such a great group of friends with kids the same age. As they grow up they can say that they have been friends since birth!!

Susan said...

What a wonderful network! And I love how the boys take look so much like their Mommies.