Monday, December 29, 2008

Catching up with Friends & Family

This last weekend Ben and I went to Bakersfield to visit friends and family, while daddy stayed home and cleaned out the garage. Ben played with his Denapole cousins (Vinny, Jacob & Sammy): We visited my good friend Amy, her husband Roddy and their beautiful 4-month old daughter Abigail. We also got to meet Cade, my college friend Jenny's son who is 2 days older than Ben. Cade's vocabulary is advanced for his age - I think they look so much alike! (Forgive the shaky video...just learning to use my new mini camcorder)
And most importantly, Ben spent some quality time with Grandma Cindy:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful trip! You fit in lots of visits. Was your camcorder a new Christmas gift? Great idea!