You are such an amazing little addition to our family. You've started sitting up by yourself and you love to eat (you started squash on Sunday). So far, you are easy-going, you sleep through the night (knock on wood) and are extremely alert and observant. You want to be in the middle of it all - so different from your brother in that respect. You light up every morning when you see your nanny Veronica, but NO ONE holds a candle to how much you adore your big brother Ben. You smile every single time you see him and your little feet just kick and kick to try and keep up with what he's doing. Daddy and I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful and sweet baby girl - we love you!
It was a BUSY weekend! Ben had so much fun playing with his buddy Ryan and painting their "pet rocks" at a playdate. The babies and their mamas got to hang out too! Then, for the 3rd year in a row Grandma Sharon and Papa Joe treated Ben to a day out with Thomas the Train.
For Ben's birthday we celebrated a couple weeks late in Anaheim at Camelot miniature golf, Disneyland and Disneyland California. A word of caution - do not attempt Disneyland during spring break - we COULD NOT believe how crowded it was!
Ben LOVED miniature golfing!"When is it gonna be about me?"His favorite pastime - playing shooting games with Papa Joe.Our little Minnie...Ben on Autotopia!Disneyland California - our favorite!Lauren and Papa Joe...Ben had SO much fun with his cousin Jillian!