Monday, September 6, 2010

Making Fun of Mommy...

A couple weeks ago we were walking out of McDonalds and in front of everyone Ben pushed out his tummy as far as he could, started waddling out the door and announced "Look, I'm walking like mommy". Real nice kid... :)

Final Days of Summer

It's a bittersweet time - not only is summer coming to a close, but it's also our last few weeks as a family of 3. It's like Ben knows he's going to be a big brother soon and has grown so much recently. Here are his 3 big recent milestones:

1. Last weekend Ben finally said goodbye to the "mimi" (pacifier). He lost it and when daddy and I found it we decided it was time for mimi to be lost for good. He had a tough time the first night - he kept asking us to look for it and begged us to "go to Target and get a new mimi". He hasn't even mentioned it in a few days.

2. It also looks like Ben has decided that he's too big for his 2-3 hour afternoon naps. :( We think the loss of the mimi had something to do with it - but we had a pretty good run - 3.5 years.

3. This weekend - with a little help from our friends The Polkinghorne's - Ben started going poo-poo on the potty!!!! He has an accident now and then, but every day he's getting better and better.

Here are a few recent pics - he loves playing with his best buddy Sean...