Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010!

Lauren's 1st Christmas!Lauren got her first dolls from Papa Wayne and Leticia and Grandma Cindy...this one from Grandma Cindy is bigger than her!Ben coming down the stairs on Christmas morning!Ben hanging out with cousin Jillian!A HUGE nerf gun from Papa Joe and Grandma Sharon!Ben riding his first big boy bike at Aunt Nancy's house with cousin Johny!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lauren's Newborn Pictures

My friend Regina took some amazing newborn pictures of baby girl, her nursery and little Ben on October 30 and November 7...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ben Taking Care of "Moren"

Ben loves to take care of his little sister who he calls "Moren".

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Santa and the Kids!

True to form, Ben hated Santa and would not change out of his blue crocs. Some things never change...Merry Christmas!!The infamous Heisman pose of 20092008

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy and Healthy!

Lauren had her 6-week checkup today. She's our happy and healthy little girl...
Weight - 12 lbs. (97%)
Length - 23 1/4 (97%)
Head Circumference - 15 1/4 (75%)
She and Ben are very similar in size. At 6 weeks Ben weighed 11 lbs. 14 oz. and was 23" long.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lauren and Ella's 1st Playdate!

Yesterday, Lauren's little friend Ella came over for their first playdate. Their mommies met a couple years ago at Trader Joe's of all places! Ella was born 5 days before Lauren. The girls were adorable together - Lauren was WIDE AWAKE as usual and Ella just wanted to sleep. Seeing them together I have no doubt that Lauren is getting enough to eat...Ella looks like a petite ballerina and we think Lauren may very well be daddy's sweet and pretty lil' linebacker. :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why God Makes Them Cute...

For those of you who know me well, you know that my hair appointments are sacred to me. I consider it a spa day - a time to catch up with my good friend Meghan - and I always leave feeling amazing. I REALLY needed my hair done today - I'm carrying around 20+ baby lbs., I am not getting much sleep and I feel like a walking boob...I REALLY needed my hair done. So I decided to take my angel baby with me while Uncle Mark watched Ben. My angel baby who NEVER cries in public and usually sleeps for hours on end. Not this time...almost as soon as we walked in, Meghan told her that she just wanted to "eat her nose" and Lauren LOST IT and never regained composure. I tried everything - nursing her - changing her diaper. I was shocked because I expected this from Ben as a baby (no offense Ben), but not from my little angel. Eventually I had to leave and reschedule. I was so so so disappointed...

Turns out it was just gas - she took a 3.5 hour nap and woke up as happy as can be. How can you stay mad at a face like this???

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lauren's 1st Month!

Here's a look back at Lauren's 1st month. The moment I met my baby for the first time...Born at 6:32pm on 10-20-10 she weighed 7lbs. 10 oz and was 19.5" long.Meeting her amazing big brother Ben...