It is time for a special little treat. It is time for the first "Guest Blog" entry. This week it is from Ana. She wants to bore you all with Ben's 18-month stats....what is it with women wanting to make sure their own kid's stats measure up to another's? :) Take it away Ana!.......
Nice John...Anyways, Ben had his 18-month checkup on Tuesday. We were surprised at how little weight he's gained! He weighs 27.6 lbs. (73%) and he is 34" long (90%). He takes after his mama - tall and thin. :) When I took his diaper off in the doctors office before he was weighed, he peed in the middle of the floor.
He's saying a few words now - truck, wow, cool, mama, he yells for John "DAAAAA". He's said yogurt, pretzel and he's even called his two friends at the park by name, Sean and Titus. He's quite intellectual.
I had to leave him for school for about 8 days this month. We learned that Ben is a perfect angel for daddy. When I came home he definitely made me pay for going away - I guess I deserved it - he's over it now. John did an AMAZING job being a single daddy while I was away. I'm very very lucky to be married to a man that supports me 120% and takes such amazing care of his son. I know there are many moms that wouldn't think about leaving their babies alone with their husbands for 8-days - and many more dads that wouldn't be willing to do it.
Thanks honey - love you.